Now available in casebound hardcover, perfect-bound softcover & digital PDF editions.
The #50DUDES Model Photo Book is a special edition featuring 50 male models from around the globe, in Yearbook's trademark collegiate style. The #50DUDES show off their bodies as well as sportswear, fashion, and underwear. The cover star is Mason McKenrick at Next Models NY photographed by Bell Soto.
#50DUDES is focused on the models and the talent and includes a small Q&A with each. This book features lots of personalities and lots of skin. With 224 pages in print, it's a robust photo book that will be lots of fun to look through and have pride of place on any coffee table. Also an ideal gift for any male model fan. Please be warned there is some nudity in the book.
Softcover & Casebound Hardcover Print Editions
210mm x 210mm
224 pages
Full Colour
Perfect Bound (softcover) / Casebound (hardcover)
*The print edition is different from the digital edition - a more concise version, some layouts and images are different.
Digital Edition
210mm x 210mm PDF
416 pages (double the size of the print edition with extra pages of every model)
Full Colour