Available to download in PDF format or order in hardcover and softcover print editions.
The 7th edition of Gym Class B photo-zine features Spanish social media star Josiito Rueda on the front cover photographed by Jordan Ferreira. The edition features ten male models from around the globe.
Softcover/Hardcover Print Edition:
US Letter / 8.5" x 11"
Perfect Bound (softcover) / Casebound (hardcover)
102 pages
Full colour
Digital Edition:
102 pages
Full colour
An eBook bundle of multiple editions of GYM CLASS B by Yearbook Fanzine. Save $$ with this eBundle for just £9.99 PLUS get a hot 4-minute video download from one of the Gym Class B editions.
Photographers featured in the issue:
Alexandre Minicelle
Ira Giorgetti
Jordan Ferreira
Junior Angeloti
Nathan Best
Ryan Barhaug
West Phillips
Models featured in the issue:
Alex Hansen
Donald Sze
Jordan Fonseca
Josiito Rueda
Justin Davenport at 208MGMT
Mateus Brito
Mitch Tummel
Patiko Balavadze
Rafael Zorzella
Yiorgos Paraskeva at Select Model Mgmt