Available to download in PDF format or order in hardcover and softcover print editions.
Photo-zine Gym Class B (1st edition). The cover star is model/actor Joe D Martinez at DT Model Mgmt, Los Angeles, photographed by Karl Simone. In total, 13 models feature in the issue, by eight contributing photographers.
Photographers featured in the issue
Beto Urbano
Eber Figueira
Jared Bautista
Joseph Lally
Karl Simone
Marie Wild
Pedro Pedreira
Travis Chantar
Models featured in the issue
Barak Shamir at Passion Management, Tel Aviv
Brennus Dalsgaard at 40 Graus Agency, Brazil
Brian Altemus at Fusion Models
Bruno Lopes 40 Graus Agency, Brazil
Cooper Koch at Wilhelmina
Daniel Lambert at Passion Management Tel Aviv
Greg Kelley
Jason Patrick
Joey D. Martinez
Samuel Roberts at Fusion
Thomas Langhendries at Elite Paris
Thoper Abt at Mode Models
Softcover/Hardcover Print Edition:
US Letter / 8.5" x 11"
Perfect Bound (softcover) / Casebound (hardcover)
92 pages
Full colour
Digital Edition:
124 pages (digital edition includes extra images)
Full colour
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