Available now in digital PDF, print editions (hardcover & softcover) and as part of an eBook Bundle (10 editions).
The 10th edition of Gym Class B features cover stars - Brothers Alessandro Nobili & Francesco Nobili at Milan Scouting photographed by Adam Washington in a
Softcover/Hardcover Print Edition:
US Letter / 8.5" x 11"
124 pages
Perfect Bound (softcover) & Casebound (hardcover)
Full colour
Digital Edition:
124 pages
Full colour
Photographers featured in the issue:
Adam Washington
Alex Chañi
Aswani Fotograf
Buddy Avalon
Eric Hason
Irina Bunyatyan
Jamie Magnifico
Juan Antonio Papagni Meca
Juan Bautizta
Tyson Vick
Vratko Barcik
Models featured in the issue:
Aaron Mobley at U Models
Alejo Techverak Paz at Sun Model MGMT
Alessandro Nobili & Francesco Nobili at Milan Scouting
Daniil K
Gem Deger
John Scotto at U Models
Macey Schamburg
Maciej Drosio at More Models / WB Management
Marwan Elanbari at Next Models
Michael Boston
Pedro Costa Carrió
Ryan Evans at Crawford Models & U Models
Shermon Braithwaite at Soul Artist Management & U Models
Tyler Tanner
An eBook bundle of multiple editions of GYM CLASS B by Yearbook Fanzine. Save $$ with this eBundle for just £9.99 PLUS get a hot 4-minute video download from one of the Gym Class B editions.