Carsten Gauslow is 22 years old from Atlantic Beach Florida and has been training since he was 15 years old. His love for health and fitness is infectious and he views the body as art. In THE CHAMP Vol 6, a 64-page limited edition photo-essay/photography zine, Carsten Gauslow is photographed by Joseph Lally and styled by Matthew Ellenberger. Available in casebound hardcover, softcover zine and digital editions plus eBook bundle.
Print edition:
64 pages
8.5" x 11"
Perfect bound softcover & casebound hardcover editions are available
Full colour
Digital edition:
64 pages
Full colour
PDF (37.3MB)
An eBook bundle of all 8 editions of THE CHAMP by Yearbook Fanzine. Save $$ with this eBundle for just £7.99 PLUS get a hot 3-minute video download from one of The Champ editions.