The Champ is published by Yearbook Editions - a 60-page photo essay/photography zine featuring just one model per issue. The 9th volume in the series is dedicated to Jack Leighton, a model photographed entirely by Joseph Lally. This title is available to download immediately as a digital PDF plus order in print in casebound hardcover or perfect-bound softcover editions. Warning: Please note some nudity is featured in this edition.
Photographer Joseph Lally
Stylist Mike Stallings
Model Jack Leighton at U Models, NYC
Print Edition:
60 pages
8.5" x 11"
Full Colour
Perfect-bound softcover & casebound hardcover editions are available
Digital Edition:
60 pages
Full Colour
An eBook bundle of 8 editions of THE CHAMP by Yearbook Fanzine. Save $$ with this eBundle for just £7.99 PLUS get a hot 3-minute video download from one of The Champ editions.
You may also be interested in: Snapshots, Yearbook Fanzine, Gym Class B, Nude Study and other volumes of The Champ.